"...How strange it is that there is nothing in the appearance of a written or printed word that gives the slightest hint of its meaning. Why should a word not be a picture?
A new word, never seen before would then, like a painting seen for the first time, convey at least some of the meaning to the eye..."
...In mathematics, the idea of a "fourth dimension" is not always synonymous with time. For example, a Euclidean 4-space (four mutually orthogonal directions) is not the same as the fourth "time" dimension of spacetime in General Relativity, which involves the non-Euclidean, curved geometry of Minkowski space. Unless I am mistaken, this animation involves a series of three-dimensional "slices" of a 4D object, as it might appear if it passed through our 3D world.
... In linear human perception time is simply a measure of motion relative to placements(points) in space... Through coordinates, space is 3 dimensional and time is used to predict movement within it however it is not it's own dimension. Time is only a "measurement" relative to the energic rate of movement within structural space. Time is more effectively representational to entropy / thermodynamics... Which demonstrates precisely what time means rather than simplifying it linearly by dimension.
...A four-dimensional "object" is a combination of "all possible positions" + "all possible moments". Since the beginning until the end of our material universe. If you could integrate all that in to some sort of "shape"... voilá! you could see 4D.
...In order to see four-dimensional objects with the aid of a computer, the computer screen and our eyes would both have to be bypassed somehow. With technology available now and in the foreseeable future such a concept is impossible.
...If you want to be able to contemplate this 4D object in all its beauty at once, you need to be a "higher being" living in four-dimensional space and 1D time - or living somewhere in the 'multiverse'... Such place is speculated only so far, so is such a "higher being", who is therefore let for the human mind to conceive either as a divine abstract imaginary creator god, or as a tangible 4D individual, or something else maybe...
The abstract god seems the only satisfying option for most people, yet He has caused more sufferings than reliefs worldwide over the centuries: religion wars, imposed views by some religions, etc. Nothing against religions as such - culture is good and necessary. But religion in order to permanently put god upfront is harmful. People need to take responsibilities for what they believe and no one has the right to impose their views - how could there be peace in this way?.............
...Have you ever considered how a four-dimensional being would appear to you if it suddenly came into your room?
I think they would resemble flesh-colored balloons constantly changing in size. We would see disconnected blobs of flesh, some attached to claws, teeth, lips, eyes, or hair.
Let me tell you why... Think of it this way. Consider a two-dimensional world resembling a sheet of paper. How would you appear to the inhabitants of such a world if you tried to interact with with them? The 2-D creatures would only see cross-sections of you as you intersected their universe. Your finger would look like a flat disc that grew in size as you pushed it through their world. Your five fingers might looked like five separate circles. They would just see irregular shapes with skin boundaries as you entered their world. Similarly, a hyperbeing who lived in the fourth dimension would have a cross-section in our space that looked liked a bunch of skin blobs.
A 4-D being would be a god to us. It would see everything in our world. It could even look inside your stomach and remove your breakfast without cutting through your skin, just like you could remove a dot inside a circle by moving it up into the third dimension, perpendicular to the circle, without breaking the circle.
A hyperbeing can effortlessly remove things before your very eyes, giving you the impression that the objects simply disappeared. The hyperbeing can also see inside any 3-D object or life form, and if necessary remove anything from inside. The being can look inside our intestines, or remove a tumor from our brain without ever cutting through the skin. A pair of gloves can be easily transformed into two left or two right gloves. And 3-D knots fall apart in the hands of a hyperbeing, much as a 2-D knot (a loop of string lying on a plane) can easily be undone by a 3-D being simply by lifting the end of the loop up into the third dimension.
The World Of Golden Eggs is a collection of non-linear sketches, set in the American-style, fictional town of Turkey's Hill. The main story is usually subtitled in English. The subtitles try to reflect the tone of the dialogue which can lead to strange or grammatically incorrect subtitles due to its comedic nature and the use of non-conventional Japanese. Each episode is only 15 minutes long and there are animated adverts and parodies of different television shows included.
The World of Golden Eggs was the first computer-graphics datsuryoku-kei (ennui-style) anime to become a hit with mainstream audience.
It's a live-animation created by Hiroyuki Nakao for MTV Japan...
Hiroyuki Nakao hails from Tokyo and graduated from Japan University with Art/Broadcasting major. His series "Steam Head" ("Steam Kacho") showcased his unique style of "Live-Animation" and won the grand prix award at 1998 MTV Station ID contest.